KGSC Features 特徴

1. Get ready to access the global startup ecosystem

2. Readiness - Sales - Fundraising

3. Funding & supports to focus on business (in Japanese or English)

Mentors from all over the world メンター紹介

KERNEL Global Startup Camp holds weekly mentoring sessions with investors and entrepreneurs from around the world. Here is a partial list of those who have supported entrepreneurs as mentors.

KERNEL Global Startup Campでは毎週、世界中の投資家・起業家とのメンタリングセッションを実施します。これまで、メンターとして起業家を支援してくださった皆さまを一部ご紹介します。


Schedule 日程

January-February is the application period and February-March is the selection period. Selection will be made in the order of teams/companies submitting their documents earliest. The program is scheduled to run from December to March 2023 (all dates are in Japan time).



Application Requirements 応募条件

EN 日本語
チーム At least one member must be fully committed to the project and be able to work on both product development and user interviews. 1人以上のフルコミットメンバーがおり、ユーザーへのヒアリングとプロダクト開発双方に取り組める体制であること
会社設立 Application for incorporation must be completed at the time of application (The registration does not have to be completed as long as the application has been filed.).
※Please contact us if you have difficulty completing the application at the time of application for this program. 応募時に法人設立申請が完了していること(申請が完了していれば登記が完了していなくても結構です)
Business Stage
事業ステージ Have an idea or prototype of the program and be in the process of launching the MVP during the program period.
※For teams/individuals whose business stage is not listed above, other support methods are also available. Please feel free to contact us. プロダクトのアイデア又はプロトタイプがあり、プログラム期間中にMVPのローンチを行う予定があること。
Target areas
対象領域 AI and its peripheral technologies (the following are examples and other technologies may also be covered)
・Data analysis and prediction
・Image Recognition
・Image generation
・Natural language processing
・Speech recognition
・Apps/Web Services
・3D Printing
・Cloud Storage
・Quantum computing
No business domain is specified. AI及びその周辺技術(以下は例であり、これら以外も対象となる場合があります)
Points to be emphasized during selection
選考時に重視するポイント ・Intention to expand into overseas markets
・Hypothesis for the idea/product
・Degree of commitment during the program ・海外市場進出に対する意向
選考後の投資受入 Accepting investment from the fund managed by Deep Core Inc. after the program is adopted プログラム採択後、株式会社ディープコアの運営するファンドからの出資を受け入れること
Participation & Contribution
参加・貢献 Attend meetings and events during the program (3-4 hours per week)
Willingness to make contributions to the startup community ・プログラム期間中に実施されるイベントやミーティング(週3-4時間)に参加すること