Four months for global entrepreneurs to focus on users and products by DEEPCORE, a AI focused VC/incubator.
KERNEL Global Startup Campは、AI及び周辺技術を活用した事業を構想/展開し、海外市場への進出を視野に入れている創業前チーム〜アーリーステージのスタートアップに特化したプログラムです。
The KERNEL Global Startup Camp is a program specifically designed for pre-foundation teams to early stage startups that are envisioning and developing businesses using AI and related technologies, and are looking to expand into overseas markets.
4ヶ月間のプログラム期間中、参加者はプロダクト・サービスの仮説検証に取り組んだ上で、その価値を顧客に適切に届け(セールス)、次の**資金調達に繋げるための準備(Pitch Deck作成など)**を行います。プログラム期間中、同領域スタートアップ企業への投資・ハンズオン支援経験を持つDEEPCOREのキャピタリスト、投資家、起業家などのメンターが参加チームをサポートします。
During the 4-month program, participants will work on hypothesis testing of their products/services and then prepare to properly deliver the value of their products/services to customers (sales) and to raise the next round of funding (e.g., creating a Pitch Deck). During the program, mentors such as DEEPCORE capitalists, investors, and entrepreneurs with experience in investing in and providing hands-on support to startups in this space will support the participating teams.
Participating companies will be provided with funding of 5 million yen through convertible equity* at the start of the program. Entrepreneurs can obtain the minimum amount of funding necessary under favorable conditions, allowing them to focus on their business.
*コンバーティブル・エクイティとはJ-KISS型新株予約権、CE型新株予約権等、将来的にその時点でバリュエーションを確定した上で株式に転換できる転換型の新株予約権のことを指します。”Convertible equity” means convertible stock acquisition rights that can be converted into shares in the future at a fixed valuation at that time, such as J-KISS-type stock acquisition rights and CE-type stock acquisition rights.
There will also be opportunities to interact and exchange information with participants who live abroad or are enrolled in overseas universities, as well as with senior entrepreneurs who are active in Japan and abroad.
プログラムの詳細についてはKGSC Program Informationをご確認いただくとともに、ぜひプログラム説明会等にご参加ください。
For more information on the program, please see KGSC Program Information. Also, program information sessions are available.